Tuesday, October 15, 2013

New Gentle Nia Class

New Class


Gentle Nia

Movement Medicine for Health and Wellbeing


Suzanne Cohen, Nia Instructor


Fridays, 11am to Noon

Beginning November 8, 2013




Nia is a sensory-based movement practice that draws inspiration from dance arts, martial arts and healing arts.   This gentle Nia class is  for people of all ages and abilities; and those coping with or recovering from injury or illness who would like a gentle movement experience.



Soul-stirring music is the foundation for movement that each person can adapt to individual  needs.  Nia   activates and expands our capacity for personal healing and well-being; in Nia we move the way our bodies were meant to move, with ease, joy, balance, and pleasure.




The instructor of Gentle Nia is Suzanne L. Cohen.  She has been teaching Nia and using it for her own personal growth and healing for 15 years.  She is a Licensed Psychologist and integrates Nia with her psychotherapy practice.







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